Become a volunteer

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer or joining our board?

Fill out our volunteer application here


The Wharton Energy Network is only as good as the volunteers who contribute their time to serve their fellow alumni.


What our volunteers share in common:

  • You are passionate about energy and climate
  • You are excited to serve your fellow Wharton alumni 
  • You bring passion, an eagerness to experiment, and take pride in your follow through
  • For board roles, you have at least 3-5 hours per month of bandwidth, which is crucial in this initial phase of reinvigorating our alumni group's infrastructure


Open Board Roles:

VP, Communications:   You are great with digital content.  You will take the lead on issuing our newsletter, which promotes events, shares relevant alumni news, and industry insights.  You will also be our webmaster, refreshing our online presence so that it better serves members.