Wharton offers a multitude of services for alumni to support your continued professional development and career advancement.
We've compiled a few below:
Access Wharton's alumni resources. As part of your Wharton degree, you have access to many valuable resources. Explore this section to take advantage of your alumni benefits.
Search the Alumni Directory. Search MyPenn, the alumni directory, by Alumni Name, Company, Class Year, City, and more. MyPenn replaces the previous alumni directories WhartonConnect and Quakernet for all University alumni. This dynamic new platform will serve as a one-stop portal for Penn and Wharton students and alumni, offering the same benefits of the old systems along with new opportunities to connect with fellow alumni, create a customized experience, and access university resources.
Connect with Wharton alumni clubs in your area. Wharton's 77 regional and affinity alumni clubs are founded, developed and organized by alumni around the globe. They are independent, volunteer-driven and self-sustaining networking organizations that interact and engage with the Wharton School to help make real the collective vision of offering top-quality programming, communications and engagement among the student, faculty and staff communities and the broader global alumni communities.
Seek career services from Wharton. Wharton alumni have access to services such as resume review, interview preparation, career assessments, and more. Career resources are available to MBA alumni through Wharton MBA Career Management and to Undergraduate alumni through Penn Career Services.
Discounted Wharton Executive Education. All Wharton and Penn alumni receive a 25% discount on open-enrollment programs. Wharton MBA and EMBA graduates from the Class of 2010 and subsequent years are eligible to attend one Executive Education open-enrollment program at no charge every seven years. This exciting Lifelong Learning benefit allows you to choose from more than 30 programs in leadership, finance, marketing, and strategy and innovation.
Read the alumni magazine. Wharton Magazine serves as an essential connection between the School and its alumni population of nearly 100,000 graduates, with stories about the people and ideas who define the global Wharton community. Issues are published twice per year in print and web formats. Each issue covers a wide range of subjects: alumni and faculty profiles; topical features on issues that matter to our audience; faculty research and thought leadership; and School news.